
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bates Bridge Traffic Management Plans - Stage 2 - Groveland

This week the Bates Bridge Reconstruction traffic management plans moved into its second stage on the Groveland side, altering the traffic flow.

To create a work zone, Jersey barriers have been installed along Main Street from the post office to the existing bridge.

As you may have noticed, the barriers have taken the right turn lane near the bridge for use as a sidewalk for pedestrians. For the duration of Stage 2, stop signs will be replacing the existing flashing signals at the intersection. This phase of the construction process on the Groveland side is estimated to last until spring 2012.

Below you can see the traffic management plan. (click to enlarge)


  1. ReneeRMM@comcast.netMay 18, 2011 at 6:55 AM

    This traffic pattern change is horrible! Why didn't they leave more room for traffic turning right? The back up on Main Street is deplorable!

  2. Why didn't the sate take that eyesore gas station and demolish it?

  3. To Anonymous: The land from the river to the gas station belongs to a private owner. While the state did take two permanent and two temporary easements from the owner for construction, they did not take the entire property because they didn’t need it all for the project. To my knowledge, the town of Groveland has considered acquiring the land where the gas station currently sits to create a park/parking lot, but it would be up to the town and the private owner to coordinate a sale.
