For those of you who don’t receive our email updates about the upcoming reconstruction of the Bates Bridge (between Groveland and Haverhill), here is an update:
On December 8, 2009, this project went to bid. MassHighway (now MassDOT) selected a construction company to perform the work. A contract was awarded to Cianbro Construction on January 6, 2010. On January 27, 2010, the Notice to Proceed was issued (this is final step in the process of getting the project moving). This project is expected to be completed in 2014.
One of MassDOT’s main goals is to keep travel routes the same during construction, and only change slightly after completion—as the new bridge will be constructed 60 feet downstream.
MassDOT plans to remove the blinking light at the intersection in Groveland when the project is completed. Intersections at both ends of the bridge will have controlled signals installed.
If you would like to see the construction plans, please stop by Groveland Town Hall or Haverhill City Hall. In Groveland the plans can be viewed by visiting the Selectman’s Office; in Haverhill you can go to Room 214, Mondays through Fridays, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
This month, MassDOT held a Pre-Construction Conference with Cianbro and local utility companies to discuss specifics on how to arrange and protect services to residents on either side of the bridge. Given some of the interruptions the area has had recently, this office’s goal is to minimize them in the future.
Due to environmental restrictions relating to in-water construction, Cianbro believes the summer of 2010 may be consumed with prep-work. Now, actual construction is expected for late summer/early fall of 2010.
If you would like to be included on future Bates Bridge email updates please send me an email ( with your name and address!